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The zero fuel solid waste dispenser with the unique OCT (oxygen controlled technology) makes any waste material burn out within minutes causing least minimum CO2 emission. Within 3 to 4 minutes, the temperature inside the closed chamber shoots up to 850 degree centigrade and from there to 1000 degree centigrade depending upon the nature of the waste material. At these temperatures, it burns almost everything from toughened glass to treated plaster of paris.

Add functionality to the core system

There are more than 1,500 extensions available in the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) on for you to browse and assess according to your needs. Download and install them directly with the TYPO3 backend Extension Manager. And TYPO3 is open source! You and your developers (or your TYPO3 service provider) can also create new, custom extensions to meet your specialised needs.


Fluid: Next Generation Templating

Fluid - TYPO3's next generation templating engine - is used for creating custom extension templates.

Fluid's approach to creating templates emphasizes simplicity, flexibility, extensibility, and easy of use. The syntax is XML-based and can be used in any Web IDE. With its ViewHelpers, Fluid can be extended by powerful functionality that fits custom web project needs.

Extensive Configuration Options

Every aspect of the TYPO3 backend is configurable and customizable. Backend interfaces can be configured using TSConfig. Rendered HTML content can be configured using TypoScript or Fluid, a standalone template engine. Checkout our documentation linked below.